About Us
In the News
About Jookender
Jookender Team
Jookender Careers
Jookender Mission
Jookender Goals
Card to Culture
Picture Gallery
Jookender Satisfaction Survey
Girls Self-confidence Academy
Go, Teens!
Teen Volunteers
Jewish Heritage Tours
Welcome Teen Program
Confronting Anti-Semitism
Jewish Pumpkins
The Tribe
Holiday Celebrations
Annual Talent Show
Family Outings
Overnight events
Family Camps
Winter Family Retreat
Independent with Jookender
Jewish Heritage Tours
Museum Nights
Young Adults
Club Bekitzur
Women Rule!
Fundraising Workshops
Group Sales
Annual Culinary Contest
DIY Pools
Go Teams
Outdoor Club
Workforce Development
Moms, Dads, and Just Parents
Workforce Development
Parental Workshops
Women Rule!
Social Events
Fundraising Workshops
Group Sales
Annual Culinary Contest
Past Events
Events & Classes
Camps & Travel
Birthdays & Space Rent
Contact Us
Jookender supports Israel and Ukraine!
Satisfaction Survey
1. How would you rate your overall satisfaction with the programs/events/services from Jookender?
Answer required!
Very satisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very dissatisfied
2. Based on your most recent experience with Jookender how likely are you to attend/participate in a program with us again?
Answer required!
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
3. Based on your most recent experience with Jookender would you recommend our programs/organization to a friend or family member?
Answer required!
Definitely would
Probably would
Probably would not
Definitely would not
Not Sure
4. Using a 10-point scale on which "1" means "Very dissatisfied" and "10" means "Very satisfied", how satisfied are you with Jookender?
Answer required!
Very dissatisfied
Very satisfied
5. Now please rate the extent to which the program/event/services offered by Jookenderm have fallen short of or exceeded your expectations. Please use a 10-point scale on which "1" now means "Below your expectations" and "10" means "Above your expectations".
Answer required!
Below expectations
Above expectations