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Yom Rishon Online Club (under 5 y.o.) (Sold Out)

Yom Rishon Online Club (under 5 y.o.)

This is a completely new program, brought to you by the request of the parents with children 3-5 y.o. This club will be meeting mostly online, but we do plan some in-person get-together events, as well – on the local farms, in the park or zoos. We’ll be offering a few classes or events per term, 4 terms a year, mainly on Sunday mornings, unless we’ll get a specific request from the homeschooling kids, private groups, and day cares, who are able to attend during the week. There will be no commitment to attend classes, because we understand how hard it is to commit when you have an under 5 y.o. at home. Classes we will offer will be some, in English, some, in Russian. Most popular, we believe, will be art and music classes, but we will be offering some simple language and math, and some other stuff, as well.

Annual membership to this program is just $150 per child, valid July 2021 – June 2022. All classes offered under this club are completely FREE to their members.

The membership is not refundable, not transferable, and not pro-rated, once the year begins. It doesn’t matter, if you join at the very beginning of the year, or in the middle of the year, your membership fee is the same and valid until June 30, 2022.